WisdomOfAge will develop a digital application that takes advantage of the experience and background of people over 50 years old, enabling them to share their knowledge and solve specific problems for industrial companies. This collaboration includes on-line courses, training, projects management and other specific topics requested by companies. The platform end-users are grouped into two large categories: the seniors acting as mentors or teachers and the industrial companies acting as beneficiaries or students.
As WisdomOfAge solves problems of active industrial partners they ensure the sustainability of the platform which is free to use for all the senior mentors. WisdomOfAge is based on the concept of e-learning platforms technology extending it towards a creative and open environment where ideas are shared and problems are solved. The benefits for the senior mentors cover multiple areas: financial support, active ageing, social integration and societal development through their experience.
WisdomOfAge supports the older people to remain active and contribute towards the society with their most important and unique skill: experience. Thus, WisdomOfAge creates a unique and modern, innovative, flexible and open digital platform with a user interface oriented towards the needs and skills of senior people, that will connect them to industrial companies that require their specific knowledge and skill.
Continuing the trend from other industries, WisdomOfAge will provide on-line and on-time customer-oriented support, connecting the seniors with companies in a digital partnership.
It is expected that the life of at least 100 senior engineers will be improved only in the first year after the WisdomOfAge market launch, an event planned to happen in July 2023. They will offer their services towards young/inexperienced engineers from at least 40 industrial companies. Through this, WisdomOfAge will contribute to the mentors’ improved social inclusion, a sense of accomplishment and usefulness, financial independence and an active mental state.
WisdomofAge is a project funded by AAL Programme, co-funded by the European Commission and National Funding Authorities of Romania, Switzerland and Belgium.
AAL is a funding programme that aims to create better quality of life for older people and to strengthen industrial opportunities in the field of healthy ageing technology and innovation. AAL supports international consortiums by funding their projects that work towards creating market-ready products and services for older people. Each project consists of SMEs, research bodies and end-user organizations.
AAL’s projects address a number of issues, including management of chronic conditions, social inclusion, access to online services, mobility, management of daily activities, and support from informal careers.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, CCCDI – UEFISCDI and of the AAL Programme with co-funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme project number AAL-CP-AAL-2020-7-83-CP-WisdomOfAge within PNCDI III.
The project started on 1st of May 2021 and it scheduled to end on 31st of October 2023.
There are 6 partners involved, including one SME, three research bodies & two end-user organizations.
2,308,574 Euros, with 955,771 Euros financed by the partners and 1,352,803 Euros funded by the EU and national budgets.
The main Siemens Industries Software partner in Romania, providing solutions for digital product development – professional services for R&D and responsible partnership for total digitalization of design and manufacturing processes
Founded in 1777, it has been a higher education institution since 1948. The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca ranked as “Advanced Research and Education University” is today a tertiary educational institution having tradition with national and international recognition
An IT services start-up created in 2018 specialised in artificial intelligence, mobile services and personalised nutrition. Its first breakthrough solution launched on the Swiss market is Yumy, a food delivery platform dedicated to companies allowing people to order from several restaurants in a single order and promoting eating together.
An IT services company specializing in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and geolocation systems with over 15 years of leadership in this field. ARX range of service, covers all the customer needs in geomatics / geoinformatics. The company R&D activities focus especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence (machine learning).
Deals with application-oriented research and development around issues of age and ageing. The IAF strives to capture the phenomenon of demographic change analytically via its research activities and actively influences this process through its consulting services providing institutions and policy makers with relevant knowledge and advice.
A non-profit cluster organization located in Belgium, at the heart of Europe. In4care is a one-stop-shop for those who want to innovate in care and wellbeing. This member-based organisation, with over 300 members, offers solutions by bringing together people, organisations and resources from the healthcare sector, start-ups, industries, education & patients.